校长学院的校园安全办公室的任务是提供必要的保护,以确保十大最大的网络彩票平台的学生和社区的安全. Campus Security officers work around the clock, 24/7, to monitor, guard, 并支持校园的紧急和安全需求.
办公室处理各种各样的安全政策和协议, such as responding to tornadoes and earthquakes, weapons, vandalism, trespassers, fireworks, pets, and wildlife safety. 校园安全还负责确保遵守伊利诺伊州消防局长办公室提出的消防安全要求.
进出校园的主要道路由一名保安人员负责, who is stationed at Principia College’s front gate. 任何没有注册校园车辆标志的人都将被拦下.
在紧急情况下,可以通过拨打分机立即联系校园安全. 5111 from an on-campus phone or 618.374.5111. 社区成员也可以用校园里的大多数电话拨打911,联系泽西县紧急调度员, fire, or ambulance service if needed.
校园保卫处可以帮助学生办理车辆登记, become an approved driver, report a theft, get their car jump started, locate missing items on campus, and learn more about campus safety guidelines.