你是否渴望对世界产生有意义的影响? 如果是这样,你来对地方了. 在Principia,你将获得更深层次的身份感,以帮助提升人性. 你会沉浸在大量的机会中,获得更深入的了解, 亲身体验,同时发现无限的可能性. 这些校长学院的学生正在实习, 从事研究和创意助理, 攻读研究生学位, 开始职业生涯——同时找到目标,做自己喜欢的事情.
了解更多关于校长学院就业中心的信息,以及它如何在毕业后为你提供帮助, 包括在研究生院.
应用工程实习生,Swoosh Technologies
从她转到十大网络彩票平台大全开始, 木星可以追溯她在Swoosh Technologies获得两个实习机会的途径, 西门子公司的分公司. She’d been attending Missouri Science and Technology where a traditional class size was 200 students. 虽然她喜欢这所学校, 她发现在这么大的环境中很难回答她所有的问题. 当她来到Principia时,情况发生了变化.
她的学术顾问认为乔佛和Swoosh有关, 在她意识到之前, 木星当时正在开发3D CAD软件, 凸轮设计, 制造业, NX软件, 技术营销.
数字媒体 & 十大最大的网络彩票平台
佩吉没料到自己会进普林西娅学院. She’d been actively involved in theatre and was looking at other schools to pursue performing 艺术s. 但当她得知她还可以在学习其他学科的同时在Principia表演时, 她的决定很明确.
佩奇 is pursuing a digital media and journalism major and political science and music technology minors. Her diverse interests and Principia classes were an asset to her throughout her Congressional internship. 她得到了就业中心的支持, 哪个公司能够为这个无薪职位提供津贴.
艾玛·洛佩兹(艾玛 Lopez)
It was 艾玛’s professor who announced the internship opportunity for iFixit to the 计算机科学 dep艺术ment, 这时她说, "帮我报名吧!“作为一名学生软件开发人员,艾玛的角色给了她很大的自主权. 如果她看到了她能解决的问题, 在进行研究和编码之前,她会与高级软件开发人员联系.
艾玛本来没打算去校长学校, but after learning about the number of female engineering graduates who were working at big tech companies like Apple, 谷歌, 和亚马逊, 她改变主意了.
查理 was p艺术 of a team that handles the roughly $3 billion in processed invoices annually for Costco. 除了记录好市多所有的法律和施工发票, 他为仓库开发了一个数据可视化工具,以便更好地分析他们的公用事业供应商.
查理借鉴了他在会计课上学到的概念, 还有他从与教授交流中获得的技能. 他欣赏Principia的小班制和学生独特的观点.
“《十大最大的网络彩票平台》吸引了来自世界各地的人. 你会遇到很多和你有着相似价值观的人.”
埃利奥特·马西森(C ' 22)
没有多少大学生能说,他们整个暑假都在帮助一家公司获得220美元,每年可节省5万元. 但这正是埃利奥特在安利昂公司实习期间所做的, where he designed a process to generate greater consistency and reduced operator interaction for one of their automated 制造业 cells.
艾略特很欣赏他在Principia参加各种活动的能力, 这是他觉得在其他工程学校做不到的. 小学校的亲密环境和教授的授课方式吸引着他.
“这里的教授更关心他们的学生. 如果你在挣扎,他们会帮助你. 这对我很合适.”
工商管理, 经济学
实习生, 基督教第一教会基督教科学实践者活动部, 波士顿的科学家
“找到你的所爱,并与人分享. 如果它对你有意义,它对其他人肯定也有意义。.
路加福音’s appreciation for Christian Science led him to support others through a meaningful internship with the 基督教第一教会基督教科学实践者活动部, 科学家. 同时通过研究支持部门, 沟通, 以及行政职责, his key role was guiding Christian Science Journal-listed Practitioners in creating their own professional websites. He relied on his courses at Principia to apply a business perspective to his work while undergirding it with a metaphysical approach.
这就是玛丽如何描述她在肯尼亚内罗毕非洲日出学校的实习经历. 作为助理教师, 她教课, 促进活动, 领着孩子们唱歌, 艺术, 和游戏.
玛丽在上大学之前很少旅行, 还有她的瑞士之行和希腊之行, 意大利, 和土耳其海外公司激励她做更多的事情. 她与就业中心密切合作, 是什么帮助她获得了实习所需的经济支持.
“在Principia,你可以做很多事情. 如果你有一个你想做的事情的想法, 你可以把它提出来,会有支持使它成为现实,诺亚说。.
诺亚把这个想法付诸实践的一种方式是在一个学期里安排实习, which allowed him to take advantage of other global-travel opportunities while still graduating on time.
正是他的南非历史课启发了诺亚去开普敦实习, 南非, where he supported Read to Rise’s work in bringing books to economically challenged township families. 他的角色需要研究, 发展, 和生产, 其中包括为非政府组织寻找最佳实践, 市场营销, 筹款, 制作一部电影.
“我喜欢销售的一点是,你是在和真实的人交谈. 没有一个电话是相同的——和你通话的每个人都像是一个不同的谜题,”斯蒂芬说.
斯蒂芬赚了近15美元,为达拉斯星队带来了一万块的新生意, 德州的一支职业曲棍球队. He credits his success to the effective 沟通 skills he gained in his political science classes at Principia College. He also leaned on the support of his advisors and the 职业中心 to secure his internship with the Stars.
塔拉·阿迪卡里(塔拉 Adhikari)
It was 塔拉’s role as director of Principia’s student-run Public Affairs Conference that landed her an internship at the State Dep艺术ment. 她称赞Principia鼓励学生参与并承担领导角色.
“Principia gives you the confidence you need to take on responsibilities even if you don’t yet have the institutional knowledge. 你可以做任何你被要求做的工作,因为你对自己的学习能力有信心,塔拉说。.
尽管新冠肺炎让她计划中的实习工作中断了, 塔拉 was able to work with the 经济学 Dep艺术ment to design research methodologies to analyze the economic environment and revitalization opportunities for nearby Alton, 伊利诺斯州. She leaned heavily on the courses she’d taken as p艺术 of her global studies major and applied her knowledge of data collection to compile numerical data and visually present it in an understandable and digestible format.
莎莉很早就知道她想从事金融行业, 于是,她设计了自己的工商管理专业,专攻金融. 她对每个人为她的成功付出的努力和时间印象深刻, 帮她修她想修的专业课程.
It was the extracurricular activities at Principia that really prepared 莎莉 for understanding the responsibilities of the professional world.
“Those opportunities gave me a chance to actually apply the large-scale dynamic thinking that Principia is so good at teaching into real-life situations.”
基里尔在Principia学院开发了三个自己的移动应用程序, 其中一个有20个,000月活跃用户. He now works with an international team building iOS applications and developing software for Ancestry.
让基里尔掌握软件开发的不仅仅是他的课程. 作为Principia移动应用和虚拟现实俱乐部的一员,他磨练了自己的技能, 这使他能够超越课堂学习,追求特定的技术.
“I think it’s very specific to Principia to have that kind of sponsorship where you can build your own club and have a group of people pursue their specific dreams.”
艾娃 feels that her chemistry degree was everything it needed to be and that her work as a Summer Research Assistant at Principia College was a key talking point in getting internships at larger companies.
“A really unique thing about Principia is that you aren’t boxed into what you think you are or what you think you’re going to do,艾娃说.
在Spectrum Brands, 艾娃负责新产品的研究和开发, 这包括研究新的有效成分和在实验室制作配方进行测试. She interacts with everyone from a human-centered design engineer and active-ingredient chemist to packaging engineers, 监管官员, 营销团队.
安妮卡从高中起就想为iFixit工作. 尽管她发现像b谷歌这样的大型科技公司很有吸引力, 在一家初创公司的暑期工作让她意识到,她可以在一家较小的公司发挥更大的影响力. It was her close relationship with her computer science professor at Principia College that helped 安妮卡 secure project work with iFixit while still attending classes. 这让我在毕业前得到了一份冬季实习工作.
《十大最大的网络彩票平台》吸引了高水准的思想. 安妮卡说:“能在一个地方和这么多真诚的人在一起,感觉很特别。.
当利亚搬到华盛顿特区时.C. 毕业后, 她没有工作, 但她知道自己得到了政治学教授的支持. 她很快就找到了一份实习工作,并在参议院获得了一个永久的助理职位.
当她的老板, 参议员, 成为参议院能源和自然资源委员会的高级成员, 利亚跟随他成为了一名研究助理, 让她可以从事自己喜欢的政策工作.
在波音公司, 梅森负责T-7A“红鹰”的液压系统集成, 空军下一代训练系统. 他的工作涉及使用NX CAD(下一代), 计算机辅助设计), 这和他在十大网络彩票平台大全的太阳能汽车团队中使用的程序是一样的.
梅森 had looked at engineering-specific schools before attending college but didn’t feel the overall experience would be much fun. 他想找个地方让自己成长. 出于这个原因,他选择了《十大最大的网络彩票平台》, as well as it being the best value for everything he could get out of an education and school community.
奥斯丁在福特公司从事废气侵入和车辆运输保护方面的工作. He credits his involvement in Principia College's solar car team and the Society of Automotive Engineers racing team (which is p艺术 of Principia’s co-op program with the University of South Dakota) for giving him a solid understanding of technical engineering skills.
“原理公司的太阳能汽车项目是独一无二的, 与其他学校不同的是,这里欢迎每个人加入并做出贡献.”
多伦多大学蒙克全球事务学院 & 公共政策
塞布丽娜 arrived at Principia College hoping to graduate within three years and with no interest in attending graduate school. 但是,她最终两者都做了.
她和她的指导老师一起寻找优秀的研究生院, but was concerned that Principia's small size would put her at a disadvantage as an applicant to such highly competitive programs. Her advisor pointed out that Principia’s intimate academic environment was actually an extraordinary asset.